TBL Telecom Inc. is part of Group IMECO, a proud Canadian company incorporated in 1996. The company initially started under the name IMECO Telecom while providing product distribution into 126 countries while gradually evolving over the last 10 years into offering system solutions. During the process, TBL Inc. out of Québec City was acquired in July 2010 for its service organization and was merged with IMECO Telecom (based in Montreal) to form a new company, TBL Telecom Inc. The company now regroups more than 40 employees and a fleet of ten (10) service vehicles providing coverage for Toronto, Montreal and the Quebec City areas. TBL Telecom Inc. has grown over the years with a base of more than 4,000 satisfied customers.
The company’s main focus now consists in providing solutions for Unified Communications, Wireless Broadband, WiFi, Inter-Networking, and structured cabling. Through its qualified and certified personal, professional services are offered in Pre-Sale Design, site survey, Industry Canada license request, Inter-Networking assessment, system configuration and maintenance services. With more than fifteen years in existence, TBL Telecom has realized several mission critical projects with major customers across Canada with a philosophy of delivering carrier grade solutions. TBL Telecom carefully design’s solution to meet five (5) nines 99.999% SLO (Service Level Objectives) with the use of industry leading products. For superior services and peace of mind, the safe choice is TBL Telecom Inc.
TBL Telecom Inc also hold a RBQ license # 8006-0510-03